Learning Designer and Illustrator

Tag : Ozone


For the 150th OzComics Challenge! Seems fitting that it’s OzComics creator Darren Close’s character, Rufus.

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Gold Coast Supanova – Sketches

Gold Coast Supanova – Sketches

To pass away the time, to draw in the punters and, well, because it’s a fun thing to do: drawing…

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Killeroo: DONE!

Killeroo: DONE!

The inks, tones and textures on all 11 pages are done! My first comic book story! Woohoo! Over to Darren…

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Killeroo: Pencils are complete

Killeroo: Pencils are complete

That’s it. Pencils are done. Two thirds through the process. A small break, then inks. Here are a few pages…

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Killeroo – Concept work

Killeroo – Concept work

It turns out that there is another Killeroo story set in the same junk yard as my story. They’re only in…

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Killeroo: Layouts complete

Killeroo: Layouts complete

The layouts for Repairs are complete! It took a lot longer than expected. As it’s my first comic Darren (naturally) had some…

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NEW PROJECT: Killeroo!

I’m about to start drawing my first proper comic story! Killeroo is the creation of Darren Close, the gentleman who…

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Sequential Challenge: Killeroo

Sequential Challenge: Killeroo

I’ve had a crack at this. Darren Close runs OzComics and this is his character. I hope I’ve done it…

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