Learning Designer and Illustrator

Killeroo: Layouts complete

Category : Comics · by Oct 15th, 2012

The layouts for Repairs are complete!

It took a lot longer than expected.

As it’s my first comic Darren (naturally) had some feedback. I’d made a decision to keep the frame layouts consistent all the way through the story (think Watchmen) but, quite rightly so, Darren suggested that at least some needed to break that mode to keep reader interest. So there were redraws.

Then came the suggestion that the last frame deserved a page of its own. I’ve got to say, I was using the smaller frames to hide behind. A full page panel’s more than a bit scary. Especially since it’s a group shot of all the main characters. Hoo boy.

I shall rise to the occasion.

Here’s a sneak peek:

thumbs 1 thumbs 2 thumbs 3

Only the first 3 pages. Spoilers, otherwise. 🙂



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