Learning Designer and Illustrator

Tag : DC

Harley and Mr J

With apologies to Bruce Timm for the rip off of his Joker.

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New prints

Trying something new for Supanova – A5 postcard prints. 

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Death and Morpheus

For the OzComics Challenge (which was ‘Sandman’ but, if you have even the slimmest excuse to draw Death, why wouldn’t…

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… or Captain Marvel, depending on your point of view. For the OzComics Challenge. I fully admit to heavily referencing…

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Batman turns 80

Happy birthday Bats. 🙂

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Green Lantern

For the OzComics Challenge. Still experimenting with watercolours. Practice practice practice!

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Here are the results of my jaunt into this year’s inktober challenge:

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John Constantine

OzComics – Hellblazer week.

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