Learning Designer and Illustrator

Tag : Batman


With apologies to Mignola, Sienkiewicz and anyone else I’ve ripped off here to have some fun.Ā 

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Batman turns 80

Happy birthday Bats. šŸ™‚

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For a specialĀ OzComics Challenge. All works submitted will be auctioned off to raise funds for Norm Breyfogle’s recovery from stroke….

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Batman 75

For the OzComics Challenge. I was toying around with all sorts of alternative takes on the character but settled on…

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Gold Coast Supanova – Sketches

Gold Coast Supanova – Sketches

To pass away the time, to draw in the punters and, well, because it’s a fun thing to do: drawing…

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Batman (1960s)

Batman (1960s)

For the OzComics Challenge. When they named the 1960s TV Batman as the topic, it was a problem. I’d already…

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I can’t claim complete artistic responsibility – I used a photo reference as the starting point and ‘felined’ it from…

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Sequential Challenge: Batman

Sequential Challenge: Batman

Sometimes OzComics has a sequential challenge where they provide a script and you have to draw the page. This time…

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Could have gone all dark and brooding. But why? šŸ˜‰

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