Learning Designer and Illustrator

Tag : Inktober

Inktober 2022

Done!tbh I was doing it this year to force myself to draw. I pretty much haven’t drawn since last Inktober…

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Inktober 2020

I set myself the stupidly ridiculous task of writing a story using the prompts, using my comic character Deathship Jenny….

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Art vs Artist 2019

Instagram Challenge / Artist promo (I think).

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Here are the results of my jaunt into this year’s inktober challenge:

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Deathship Jenny

Deathship Jenny

Day 31 – Final Inktober entry! I’m well pleased that I made it to 31 – so much drawing. Looking…

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Inktober – Day 30 Halloween (plus the OzComics Challenge)

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Inktober – Day 29 Halloween #1 (plu the OzComics Challenge

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Neil Gaiman

Neil Gaiman

Inktober – Day 28

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Douglas Adams

Douglas Adams

Inktober – Day 27

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The Misadventures of Peter Pumpkinhead

Dale Maccanti at White Cat Press kindly asked me to contribute to their weekly webcomic The Misadventures of Peter Pumpkinhead,…

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