Learning Designer and Illustrator

Dave: Cameos (and a bit of narcissism)

Category : Comics · by Aug 8th, 2013

20 pages down, 11 pages to go! We’re hitting the last third!

Dave: Zombie Hunter’s writer, Stewart Cook, asked for me to put in a cameo in the comic: a zombified version of the comic’s number one fan, Cass Cini.

I found the perfect page to put her in, but I thought it would be great to have Stewart in there as well. Then… well… I ended up in there as well. Call it narcissism gone mad. Hope I haven’t affected sales.

cook dave_cassnrobzombie

So, it’s Stewart with the beanie, me with the goatee and Cass in black on the right.

Can’t show you the complete page because it contains spoilers. 🙂



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