Learning Designer and Illustrator

Gold Coast Supanova – The Square Peg Stall

Category : Comics, Ramblings · by Apr 6th, 2014

So the Gold Coast Supanova has been and gone for another year. This time , however, I participated in the Square Peg stall with Dave writer Stewart Cook and Robert Hall, who contributed with Stewart on another title Nexus Point. We also shared the space with OzComics and Killeroo creator Darren Close and artist Emmanuel Hernaez.

I had a fine weekend meeting these gentlemen. I had nothing to sell per sē, but I got to sit, watch the cosplayers go by, meet a fair few industry types and draw for a weekend! Quite fine for the first time around.


Setting up.

L to R: Stewart, Robert, Emmanuel, Darren


First time I saw the poster. Never seen my stuff so large!



General mucking around. Photos via friends.


Drinks gathering held by the fine fellow at Kings Comics.


The view from my unit. Nice!


A final promo shot for Stewart to use at future conventions!




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[…] Supanova – The Square Peg Stall  […]

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