Learning Designer and Illustrator

Tag : Dave: Zombie Hunter

Mint Condition – An exhibition of Brisbane comic talent

30+ artists, 150+ artworks (including DSJ pages). That’s a lot of comic-y goodness right there. Everything looks great beside each…

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Gold Coast Supanova – Sketches

Gold Coast Supanova – Sketches

To pass away the time, to draw in the punters and, well, because it’s a fun thing to do: drawing…

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Gold Coast Supanova – The Square Peg Stall

So the Gold Coast Supanova has been and gone for another year. This time , however, I participated in the…

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Dave: The Album Cover

Dave: The Album Cover

Created for the OzComics Challenge. The topic this week was ‘Australian Comics’, so it was an obvious choice. 😉 It’s…

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Dave Zombie Hunter: Printed!

Here’s a sweet photo of Stewart Cook picking up the first print of Dave. More information as it comes to hand….

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Dave is now available to preorder!

Dave is now available to preorder!

Stewart has just posted: The circle is now complete… Go order my story about zombies, necrophilia and brown love. There’s…

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Dave: Zombie Hunter is done!

Dave: Zombie Hunter is done!

The cover is finished, which means I am! Over to Stewart Cook for final edits and printing.

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Dave: Cover pencils

Dave: Cover pencils

Here’s the pencil version of the cover! All text is placeholder. The zombies may move around a bit in the…

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Dave: Cover concept

Dave: Cover concept

The cover design of Dave: Zombie Hunter has commenced. My work here is nearly done. Here’s the rough design we’ve finalised: Some…

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DAVE IS DONE (sort of)

DAVE IS DONE (sort of)

That’s it! All 31 pages of Dave: Zombie Hunter are complete! Stewart’s happy! I’m happy! Woohoo! 😀 😀 😀 Now:…

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