Learning Designer and Illustrator

ComX Friday night drink’n’draw – The Dark Crystal

Category : Comics, Fun!, Sketches · No Comments · by Nov 25th, 2022

The good folks at ComX asked me to join them in their session. Great fun!

And here’s the pic I drew.


Rita Repulsa

Category : Comics, Fun! · No Comments · by Nov 11th, 2022

For the ComX Power Rangers Drink and Draw.


Supanova Brisbane

Category : Comics, Fun!, Sketches · No Comments · by Nov 5th, 2022

This year, I shared a table with the esteemed Brad Pickersgill. Great fun!

Inktober 2022

Category : Fun!, Inspiration, Sketches · No Comments · by Oct 31st, 2022

tbh I was doing it this year to force myself to draw. I pretty much haven’t drawn since last Inktober which, for me, was the driest spell I’ve ever had.
So I approached this with a little more gusto than previous years.
I also set myself the challenge of drawing no pop culture references.


Category : Comics, Fun! · No Comments · by Oct 21st, 2022

For the ComX Friday night drink’n’draw.

Judge Dredd

Category : Comics, Fun! · No Comments · by Oct 7th, 2022

For the ComX Friday night drink’n’draw.

The Aus ComX show

Category : Comics, Fun!, Ramblings · No Comments · by Oct 5th, 2022

Honoured to be interviewed by the good people at ComX studios.
I got to talk about Deathship Jenny, Liff, Supanova fun and everything that got me to this point. 🙂


Category : Comics, Fun! · No Comments · by Sep 30th, 2022

For the ComX Friday night drink’n’draw.


Category : Comics, Ramblings · No Comments · by Sep 16th, 2022

I’m talking a lot lately to Shane, one of the main people (if not THE person) behind the supercool ComX.

Great fellah, providing all sorts of support for indie comic artists, including a new place to sell Deathship Jenny!

I now have a profile here: https://comx.net.au/talent/rob-oconnor/

And you can now buy DSJ and a whole buncha other cool Aussie comics from here: https://comx.shop/product-category/independent/deathship-jenny

Check it out!

She Hulk

Category : Comics, Fun! · No Comments · by Sep 14th, 2022

For the ComX Friday night drink’n’draw/