Learning Designer and Illustrator

New project: Dave: Zombie Hunter!

Category : Comics · by Mar 12th, 2013

This weekend I start on a new project: I’m doing the art for a full comic story.

Dave: Zombie Hunter written by Stewart Cook.

The way I’ve read it: think Shaun of the Dead but Aussie and set roughly in the 70s. 🙂

Mature readers warning! It’s got something to offend everyone: frequent course language, even more gore, nudity, pissing on corpses. You know, the usual. I’ll definitely be drawing it when the kids are asleep. 😉

It’s nothing even remotely like anything I’ve ever done before. Which is why I’m doing it. I’m guessing it will be a week a page, which means it’s going to take up most of the year.

Here is the rough sketch I created of the main characters:


We’ll see how it goes, yeah?


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